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2:31 p.m. - 2004-04-27
Done with it all
Maaaaan it doesn't make any sense how freakin tired I am. But guess what? I went to my last class of the semester this morning. (yaaaaaaaaaaaaay) So I'm kinda sorta but not really done. I mean I have 1 test and 7 assignments to turn in before Friday, but lol, I can do them from the comfort of my bed.

I'm finally excited about my birthday now. Supposedly all my cousins that are about my age will be there for my party. I'm happy, the last time I saw everyone together was for our grandma's funeral.

Um it's funny that Sig mentioned something in today's entry about what vibrators are good to use. K sent me a gift basket from the Pleasure Chest for my birthday. It has all sorts of stuff in it. This thing called a Silver Bullet is neat. I'd never heard of it before and when I looked at it I was kind of scared to touch it. It looks so funny but um when I read how much fun it's supposed to be, I tried it.

And I liked it.

A lot.

A whole fuckin lot.

I'm kinda thinkin about that thing now.

And yeah, a "rabbit" is great too.

Be back.



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