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12:31 a.m. - 2004-12-03
I'm half asleep
One more week of school to go. I cant remember ever feeling so relieved. I totally gave up on one of my classes, the highest grade I think I could have possibly gotten in there was a fuck it. Ever since I "dropped" that class, I've felt so much better.

I've been depressed like shit lately. I cant really pinpoint why, but I think it's finally starting to disappear. I'm glad..this shit was getting ridiculous. A lot of people think because of the material things I should be happy...but life is about so much more than that and until they've really experienced some things in their lifetime, they'll never understand so I just give them the half smile when they tell me I shouldnt be depressed and move on.

Anyway, I overslept for my test this morn, but my prof loves me so I'm taking it over tomorrow morning. I should get an A- at least.

Okay, I'm done for now. G'bye.



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